Extracted from the Perry County, Mississippi WPA FIles

The Copeland Gang
   Among the fireside tales told by the older people are stories of the notorious Copeland Gang, which
terriorized the county a generation ago.  Near the Perry Bond House, was the "Old Gum Spring" (now in
Stone County).  It is reported that the gang would come to water their horses and rest enroute from their
hideout on the Pearl River in Hancock County to the Black Creek on the boundary of Stone, or Harrison
County, as it was then.  Mr. Bond is said to have furnished them entertainment, unaware of the real
character of his guests.  Besides James Copeland, among other members of the gang were said to be
two men named Wages and McGrath, who posed, respectively, as an evangelistic preacher and singer.  
While they engaged the community in a revival, the Copelands stole their horses.

James Copeland's Youth
   James Copeland was born near the Pascagoula River, in Jackson County, Mississippi, on the 18th
day of January, 1823.  He was the son of Isham Copeland and his wife, Rebecca Wells Copeland.  His
father insisted that he go to school and study and try to obtain a good education.  It was his misfortune
that his disposition led him to study how to cheat, defraud and swindle his comrades and schoolmates
out of their pocket-knives, their money or anything that they might have that he wanted.  He was
generally successful in his undertaking.  If he could not effect his object in one way, he would resort to
some other and finally obtain it before he stopped.  He would be punished for these deeds and, as soon
as he was released, he would commit a worse misdeed than the one he was chastised for.  Any of his
schoolmates that were the cause of his punishment were certain to wreak his vengeance.
   He indulged in many such petty crimes at school and in the neighborhood of his home, until he was
finally caught, stealing hogs from his neighbor, Mr. Helverson.  Despite his young age, he was
prosecuted for pig stealing and arrested by the sheriff of Jackson County.  He had to give bond to
appear at the Circuit Court to answer the indictment preferred against him by the State of Mississippi.
   He reflected for weeks how he might get out of this scrape, but it was his mother, who always took up
for him and  supported him in any difficulty, who brought Gale H. Wages to their home to consult with
about the problem.  Mr. Wages devised to destroy the courthouse, therreby destroying all evidence
against James.  James and his mother agreed to this plan.  Wages and James set a time for the
accomplishment of their design and accordingly met.  Late one dark night, they entered the courthouse
and placed combustibles in the roof on the windward side of the house.  After applying the match, they
left the place in double quick time and stopped some five or six hundred yards to watch the fire, rejoicing
in their success.  Once again, James got clear of a crime of which he was guilty.
   After the burning of the courthouse, the bond between the two grew.  Wages one day made a
proposition to James, to join him, alleging that he could make money without work and live in ease and
genteel style.  He and the other members of his group had a Wig-Wam in the city of Mobile, where they
held meetings and that they had many confederates there whom the public little suspected.  James
accepted this proposition.

Copeland is Accepted by the Clan
   James went to Mobile with Wages and there he became a member of the clan.  They held a meeting
at the Wig-Wam and James was introduced as a candidate for membership, where he was admitted.  He
was given the oath.  The oath was administered on the Holy Bible.  The form of the oath was, "You
solemnly swear upon the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that you will never divulge and always conceal
and never reveal any of the signs or passwords of our order; that you will not invent any sign, token or
device by which the secret mysteries of our order may be known; that you will not in any way betray or
cause to be betrayed any member of this order - the whole under pain of having your head severed
from your body - so help you God."   After he was thus initiated and invested with all the signs, words
and mode of secret correspondence, by means of an alphabet or key, invented by the notorious Murel
of Tennessee.  He was furnished with the alphabet and key and, in that mystic writing, he was furnished
with a list of all names that belonged to their clan and a list of several other clans.
   After James had become initiated and had become identified with the clan, Wages and McGrath,
knowing his ability and that he was a keen, shrewd and cunning lad, took him under their special
charge.  They ranged that season from one place to another, and sometimes in town, stealing any and
everything they could.  Sometimes killing beef, hogs and sheep, hauling them to town and selling them;
sometimes stealing a fine horse or a mule and conveying it to some of their comrades to conceal; and,
occasionally, a negro would disappear.  All this while, they pretended to be engaged in making shingles,
burning charcoal and getting lathes and pickets, each for himself.
   The clan went on stealing, robbing, killing people and burning houses in different places, until May,
1843, they came to Perry County, Mississippi, to a man by the name of Allen Brown, on Red Creek.  
They hung around here until August.  They killed people's fat yearlings and hogs in the woods for their
meats.  They all stole mules, horses and Negroes and sold until they had about $30,000 in gold, clear of
all expenses.  This was to be divided between Copeland, Wages and McGrath.

Wages and McGrath are Killed
   Brown had sold his place to a man named Harvey, who was connected with them.  Brown took a
$40.00 note on the place, but Harvey refused to pay the note and Brown got Wages to take up the note
and, if Harvey did not pay it to him, for Wages to kill Harvey.  They got into a difficulty about the note and
Harvey killed Wages and McGrath.
   So, when Copeland came from a trip to Mobile and learned of this, he said it sounded like thunder in
his ears.  He was determined to get Harvey.  Copeland gathered a gang to try to kill Harvey.  They went
there, but no one was home, so they stayed to try to catch him when he did come.  They went to
Harvey's field and gathered some green corn and built a fire and roasted them and all ate what they
wanted to, the corn, figs or apples.  The smoke of their fire betrayed them, so a large crowd came in on
them and a part of both sides were killed, including Harvey.
   Those of the gang who weren't killed or captured went to Mobile, Alabama, but they were caught one
at a time.  One of the clan was tried and convicted twice in Perry County, Mississippi.  The first
conviction was reversed by the Appellate Court and, while in prison waiting for a second hearing, he
died.  Copeland continued to hide out from place to place, intending to leave the country, but somehow
there seemed to be a supernatural power over him.  One time, in partricular, he started and got part of
the way and found he had left a large part of his money, so he turned to go back after it.

James Copeland Captured
   He loitered his time away until the spring of 1849, when he went to a grocery store near Mobile.  He
had been drinking a great deal and this time he became intoxicated.  While in this state, he imagined
every man he met was trying to arrest him.  He had a difficulty with a man and he drew his double barrel
shotgun, but the man was too quick for him.  He was stabbed, then he ran again, but the sheriff tracked
him by his trail of blood and brought him back to Mobile.  He was indicted in Mobile for larceny and he
had another warrant against him in Perry County, Mississippi for murder.
   He was tried and sentenced to four years in Alabama.  The sheriff placed guard around him to secure
him and, after his time was served there, he was transferred to the jail of Perry County, Mississippi.  He
remained in Perry County and Covington County jails two years before his trial.

Trial in Perry County
    At the September term of court, in the year A.D. 1857, on Wednesday of the term, it being the 16th
day of the month, James Copeland was taken to the bar of the court and arraigned upon an indictment,
found by the following Grand Jury at the March term, 1857, to wit:
Grand Jury:
   John McCallum
   Lemuel Strathan
   John W. Carter
   Allen Travis
   Lewis Watts
   James Chappell
   G. W. Rawls
   William Jenkins
   Peter McDonald
   Malachi Odom
   Joseph G. Young
   James M. Bradley, Sr.
   Stephen Smith
   William Hinton
   Edmund Merritt
   Sidney Hinton
   Joseph T. Breland
   Henry Dearman
   Lorenzo Batson
   John Fairley, Foreman
   Which indictment was as follows:
   The Grand Jurors for the State of Mississippi, summoned, empaneled, sworn, and charged to inquire
in and for the State of Mississippi, and in and for the county of Perry, upon their oath, present, that
James Copeland, late of said county, on the 15th day of July, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-seven, with force and arms in the county of Perry aforesaid, in upon one James A. Harvey, then
and there being in the peace of God and the said State of Mississippi, feloniously, willfully and of his
malice aforethought, did make an assault; and that the said James Copeland, a certain shot gun, then
and there loaded and charged with gun powder and divers leaden shot, which shot gun, so loaded and
charged he, the said James Copeland, in both his hands, then and there, had and held, to, at, against
and upon the said James A. Harvey, then and there feloniously, willfully and the malice aforethought of
him, the said James Copeland, did shoot off, and discharge; and that the said James Copeland with
leaden shot aforesaid, out of the shot gun aforesaid, then and there by force of the gun powder, shot
and sent forth as aforesaid, the said James A. Harvey, in and upon the left side of him the said James A.
Harvey, in and upon the left side of him the said James A. Harvey then and there feloniously, willfully and
of the malice aforethought of him, the said James Copeland did strike, penetrate and wound, giving to
the said James A. Harvey, then and there with the leaden shot so as aforesaid discharged and sent
forth, out of the shot gun aforesaid, by the same James Copeland, in and upon the left side of him, the
said James A. Harvey, a little below the left shoulder of him, the said James A. Harvey, diverse mortal
wounds, of the depth of three inches and the breadth of one quarter of an inch of which, the said mortal
wounds, the said James A. Harvey, from the fifteenth day of July in the year aforesaid, languished, and
languishing did live; on which said twenty-fifth day of July in the year aforesaid, the said James A. Harvey
in the county of Perry aforesaid, of the mortal wounds aforesaid, died, and the jurors aforesaid, upon
their oaths aforesaid, do further present that John Copeland, late of the county aforesaid, on the day
and year aforesaid, in the county of Perry aforesaid, malice aforethought, was present, aiding, abetting
and assisting the said James Copeland, the felony and murder aforesaid to do and commit; and the
jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the said James Copeland and John Copeland,
him the said James A. Harvey, in manner and form aforesaid, feloniously, willfully and of their own malice
aforethought did kill and murder, against the peace and dignity of the state of Mississippi.
   George Woods, District Attorney, upon this indictment was indorsed "A true bill signed, John Fairley,
Foreman."  The case was begun and held at the regular September term 1857.  Present the Hon. W. M.
Hancock, presiding Judge of the 8th Judicial District of Mississippi.  George Woods, Esq., District
Attorney for the Judicial District, James R. W. Pitts, Sheriff of Perry County and James Carpenter, Clerk
of said Court.
   Wednesday, a jury was selected by the prisoner and state and were ready to have the trial next day.  
On Thursday, comes the District Attorney and the prisoner is again brought to the bar in the custory of
the sheriff, and the argument is resumed and concluded; and the jury are instructed by the court at the
request of the counsel, in writing, and the jury retire to consider their verdict.  And, in the presence of
the prisoner, return the following, to wit:  "We, the jury, on our oaths, find the prisoner guilty in manner
and for as charged in the bill of indictment."  And the prisoner is recommended to jail to await his
Sentence of the Court
   Friday, comes the District Attorney and the prisoner, who was on yesterday convicted of the crime of
murder, is again brought to the bar.  And, thereupon, the prisoner, by his counsel moves the court for a
new trial, which motion was fully heard and understood by the court; and is by the court here overruled.  
And to the opinion of the court in overruling said motion, the prisoner by his counsel here excepts:  So
he was taken back to jail, to await the sentencing.  The next day, the sentence of death by hanging was

Letter to his Mother
Augusta, Mississippi, October 29, 1857
Mrs. Rebecca Copeland:
My dear mother,
   It is with painful feelings indeed that I attempt writing to you on the present occasion.  I take this
opportunity knowing at the same time, that it is the last one of the kind which I shall ever be permitted to
enjoy while here on earth.  It is long and much that I have suffered while in prison since my first
confinement in Mobile County, and yet it seems that nothing will pay the debt but my life.  I have had my
trial and was convicted upon a charge of murder, and I have received the awful sentence of death.  The
sheriff told me today, that tomorrow at 2 o'clock, I will be hanged, according to the order of the court.  
Oh, my dear mother, what an awful sound is this to reach your ear.  Oh, would it be otherwise; but you
are aware that I justly merit the sentence.  You are knowing to my being a bad man; and dear mother,
had you given me the proper advice when young, I would now perhaps be doing well.  It is often I had
meditated on this subject since my confinement in prison, and often have I recollected my good old
father's advice when I was young, and repented a thousand times over, with sorrow and regret, that I
have failed to receive it as good, benevolent service, if such a course I had taken, I have no doubt but
what I would be doing well at this time, but it is too late now to talk of things past and gone.  The time has
come when I shall have to take my departure from this world, and it pains my heart, to know that I have
to leave you and my brothers and sister; and much am I mortified to think how distantly you have treated
me while here in prison.  Not the first time have you been to see me; but I can freely excuse you for all
this, and I do hope you will prepare to meet Jesus in Heaven.
   Dear mother, long has the time been that life was not any satisfaction to me.  I am now in the dungeon
with the cold icy bands clasped around me and cold as clay.  Much have I suffered, but after 2 o'clock
tomorrow, my troubles will all be over or worse than they are at present.  This I am not able to tell.  I have
been preparing to meet my God, praying diligently for mercy and for the pardon of my sins, but I do not
know whether my prayers have been heard or not.  The scriptures said that, "The spirit of the Lord shall
not always strive with man."  And, again, says, "He that calls upon the Lord in the last hours shall be
saved."  If so, I feel some spark of hope, but I tell you this hope is hanging upon a slender thread.
   Dear mother, it makes the tears trickle down my cold cheeks to have to pen this statement to you.
Dear mother, I have to close this letter.  My heart is overflowed already, so when you receive this, you
can keep it as memorial and remember that poor Jim is no more on earth; that he had bid you a long
   Dear mother, it appears as though my heart will break at the very thought of this.  Oh, could I but see
you once more before my death, it would give my aching heart some relief; but we have to part without
this pleasure.
   Now, my good old mother, I bid you a long farewell, forever and forever.
                                            James Copeland

The Hanging
   The day arose clear and beautiful on which the senetence of the law and of outraged humanity was to
be executed on the many who had so often violated their most sacred behest.  The sky was blue and
serene; the atmosphere genial; all nature was calm and peacful; man a one was agitated by the various
strong emotions which the execution of the fatal sentence of retributive justice on a felllow man could not
be create.
   The place of execution was distant from the city of Augusta one quarter of a mile.  The gallows was
erected on a beautiful elevation that was surrounded by the verdure of shrubby oak and the tall,
long-leaf pine.  The ground was everywhere occupied by thousands of spectators, gathered from Perry
and the surrounding counties, to witness the solemn scene.  It was indeed one that they will long
   About the hour of noon, the prisoner, after being neatly clad, was led from the jail by the officers of
the law, placed in the ranks of the bars formed for the occasion and the procession moved slowly toward
the fatal spot.
   Soon the doomed man appeared on the gallows, the death warrant was then read to him and he was
informed that he had but a short time to live.
   He proceeded to address the awestruck and silent multitude.  He especially urged the young men
present to take warning from his career and fate, and to avoid bad company.  His misfortune he
attributed principally to have been misled while young.  When he had concluded, a number of questions
were asked by the immediate spectators in relation to crimes which had transpired within their
knowledge; but he would give no direct answer, shrewdly eluding the inquiries.
   The sheriff then asked him in hearing of many lookers on, if the details of his confession, previously
made to the officer, were true, he replied that they were.
   His hands were then tied and the cap pulled over his face, and he was told that he had but a few
moments to live.  He exclaimed, "Lord, have mercy on me." and he was praying when the drop fell, and a
brief struggle ended his blood-stained career.    

Members of the Clan
   This is to certify that I was present at the execution of James Copeland, who was executed at Augusta,
Perry County, Mississippi, the 30th day of October, 1857, and overheard the Sheriff, J. R. S. Pitts, ask
him, the said James Copeland, if the detailed history and list of names given as members of the Wages
and Copeland clan were correct, and he answered the Sheriff in the affirmative that they were.   T. C.
Carter, Office, 58 North Commerce Street, Mobile, Alabama; members of the Copeland and Wages Clan,
as given by James Copeland in his Confession:

J. Baker
W. W. Moore
W. W. Ratcliff
G. Buskings
J. Harper
J. Bowings
J. W. Wesley
J. Whitfield
J. Whitlom
J. Porter
J. Butler
J. Hopkins
J. Harper
W. P. Hobs
J. Gillet
J. Elva
H. Sanford
R. Cable
J. Hevard
G. Daniels
G. H. Wages
C. H. McGraffin
Charles McGrath
J. Walter
G. Welter
A. Brown
D. Brown
N. McIntosh
E. Myrick
J. Waters, Jr.
W. C. Whelps
J. F. Wright
Jasper Whitlow
J. Dewit
E. Sharpor
W. Ross
T. Powell
W. Sanferd
J. Doty
S. Harden
S. S. Shoemake
J. Harden
W. Brown
G. Clealand
___ Moulton
___ Overall
G. Young
Thomas Hix
J. Alfred
J. Kelly
A. Watson
J. Taylor
S. Teapark
J. Pool
John Copeland
T. Copeland
Henry Copeland
William Copeland
The following was shared with us by Mary Alice Laird, a descendant of John Mixon.  John Mixon
was a jailor at the Augusta prison at the time James Copeland was held there.  If not for family
history handed down from generation to generation, stories such as this one would be lost to us.  
I'm so appreciative of Mary Alice sharing this!  If the Mixons are in your family tree  and you'd like
to send an e-mail message to Mary Alice, click on the book below.
George Washinton Mixon was my g-g-grandfather, he was a son of John and Rebecca Mixon.  
John Mixon was a jailor at the Augusta jail when James Copeland was a prisoner there.
   When John took supper to Copeland one evening, Copeland was waiting with a large plank or
two by four to hit him.  Copeland missed John's head, but hit his foot and broke it, leaving John
crippled.  As Copeland was beating John, Rebecca, his Indian wife, took her shoe and hit
Copeland about the head and made him let John go.  Copeland ran down the stairs and
escaped.  He was later captured by Hamp Nickles, where Leaf River enters Tallahala Creek.  
Copeland is buried in Augusta, MS.  My cousin, Biddie McAdory, said that the gallows where
Copeland was hung, were still there when she was a youngster and she would pass it on the
way to school.

Ref. The Mixon-Mixson Family Volume II by John Leslie Mixon
Mary Anne Hammonds, a descendant of James Andrew Harvey's first wife, wrote to me concerning his role
in the story above, explaining that James Harvey unknowingly bought property from one of the Copeland
gang members.  It was this dispute which ultimately culminated in the shoot-out on Harvey's farm.
A link to an interesting story involving James Harvey's son, written by Mary Anne's mother, can be

found at the bottom of the page.

Mary Anne, also, provided an interesting story, written by another
of her cousins, Helen Clunie, about the Copeland Gang:
"I remember my grandfather, Lemuel Alexander, telling the story of the Copeland Gang.  When he was a
small boy, the gang would come through the territory and if they thought there was someone who had
money or anything of value in their homes, they would steal from them.  So his father, having money,
would put in gourds and then pour his homemade soap into the gourd over the money.  He had a
clothesline strung over the front porch of his house and that's where he would hang the gourds.  Well, the
gang would come by and was friendly; so he would serve them coffee or homebrew and they would sit on
the porch, and spit and whittle, telling their stories, which was the popular pastime in the olden days.  But
then Pappa Alexander would always borrow money from the gang, which they would lend him.  Next time
the gang came through, he would pay the money back and this is how the story went until there were no
more trips and no more visits and no more Copeland Gang."