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Autumn Dreaming
These are the days we dream about,
when Autumn sunlight paints us gold.
I found the unattributed quote above online and it set me to thinking
about what ma
kes Autumn such a special time, even for those of us
in a sub-tropical zone who don't have the opportunity to observe all
the beautiful colors of the season.  It may be because Autumn is such
a mellow time, a time of settling in and, above all, a time to reflect.  

From thinking, I went to writing and the poem on the page, "I
Dreamed of Autumn Gold," is my contribution to the season.

Wherever you may be, I hope that your Autumn is golden.

-- Nancy
I Dreamed of Autumn Gold

The Winter skies were silken lead,
Grey and hard and cold.
I bent my head into the wind
And dreamed of Autumn gold.

The Spring skies came with warming rain
And washed away the cold.
I touched a green leaf to my face
And dreamed of Autumn gold.

The Summer skies were vibrant blue,
The landscape brash and bold.
I stood beneath a sheltering oak
And dreamed of Autumn gold.

The Autumn skies brought memories
And tranquil calm to restless soul -
With smiles and tears and joys and fears,
I welcomed Autumn gold.

- Nancy Brister