Photos on this page are courtesy of: Cynthia.Decker.Digital.Art, Kepguru,,, BridgeHouseHotel, MeadowHolidayCottage,, TheAnglophile, SmittenbyBritain, RealWhitbyMagazine, FancysBlog, RailwayCottages, GrovesDykeHolidayCottage, LittleADesigns |
Immeasurable |
The photos on this page were taken in England, many in the county of North Yorkshire, where one of the largest expanses of heather moorland in the United Kingdom can be found. There are, also, images from the counties of Cumbria, Sussex, Surrey and Kent. The cliffs in the top photo are known as the Seven Sisters and are occasionally used in movie and TV productions as a stand-in for the more famous white cliffs of Dover. |
Lucy Larcom was an influential American poet. Born in Massachusetts in 1824, she worked in the Lowell cotton mills from the time she was 11 until she was 21. It would be another century before child labor laws put an end to young children working long hours in poor conditions in mills and factories. |
However, while working at the mill and throughout her life, Miss Larcom was able to make an impact on public thinking with the poems and letters she wrote describing her life at the mills. Her poems caught the attention of John Greenleaf Whittier, who acted as a mentor. |
There are memorials to Miss Larcom throughout New England, including Lowell, Massachusetts, where her works recounting life at the mills are honored with a park named after her. Excerpts of her writing can be found on monuments and works of art throughout the park. Lucy Larcom served as an early model for change in women's roles in society. |
The quotes on this page that are credited to Miss Larcom are from her book, A New England Girlhood, published in 1889. |
Young or old, we may all win inspiration to do our best from the needs of a world to which the humblest life may be permitted to bring immeasurable contributions. -- Lucy Larcom ~ ~ ~ |
For no one doth know what he can bestow -- What light, strength and beauty may after him go; So, onward we move and, save angels above, None guesseth how wondrous the journey may prove! -- Lucy Larcom |
Humility, sympathy, helpfulness and faith are the best teachers and none are well educated who do not accept their training. The real satisfaction of living is the education of all for each and each for all. -- Lucy Larcom |
If I have learned anything by living, it is this -- that the meaning of life is education, not through book- knowledge alone, sometimes, in fact, entirely without it. Education is growth and it cannot be carried on as it should be except in a school such as we all find ourselves in -- this world of human beings. |
-- Lucy Larcom |
The beauty of belonging to this school is that we cannot learn anything by ourselves, but for and with our fellow pupils, the wide earth over. We can never expect promotion here, except by taking our place among the humblest and sharing their difficulties, until we all become graduates together. |
He who praises another enriches himself far more than he does the one praised. The poorest human being has something to give that the richest cannot buy. -- George M. Adams |
Above, Dove Cottage, once the home of poet William Wordsworth. The house dates back to 1600 and is, for the most part, unchanged since Wordsworth's time in the early 1800's . It's open to the public and receives about 70,000 visitors a year. |
We never know how high we are till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies. -- Emily Dickinson |
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Music: Gentle Whispers - Home Old New Orleans Friday's Journal |