Walking on the Sky
Photos on this page are courtesy of:  RutaVerdeBolvia, Beautiful Places to Visit, Enrico Sturm, TrekEarth,
Olivier Stocchi, TrekEarth, George Mason's Travel Blog, Great Salt Lake Council, Flexi Journey Blog
With thanks to my e-friend, Mamie, for sharing the powerpoint show that gave me the idea for this page.
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Music:  Blue on Blue

The Past Whispers - Home

Old New Orleans

Friday's Journal
 One of my favorite things to do when we go to the beach is watch the people.  I like to sit on the
patio with a cup of coffee and enjoy the human parade.  I'm fascinated by the things people do
there on the edge of the ocean.
 Some walk slowly, taking in the beauty of a sunrise; some pound the sand with their running
shoes, as they stride along, deep in athletic concentration.
 Every once in awhile, someone will come out to the beach and sit motionless on a rock.  Maybe
they intend to stay for just a few minutes, but those minutes become an hour and, before long,
they've grown entranced by the rhythms of the surf.  Hour after hour, they sit patiently near the
ocean, studying it and listening to its voice.  They may be there until sunset, with nothing to show
for their day but a sunburn and a peaceful heart.
 Those are the people, I suspect, who are living in simpler times.
 It's no secret that human beings can find healing and restoration through contact with nature.  
The gentle things of nature soothe the mind, the wild things uplift the soul.  Lakes and mountains
and open spaces do something undefinable but positive for the human spirit.
 If you listen, the world of sky and water can teach you.  It can change you.  It can make your life
profoundly simpler and more satisfying.
                       -- Thomas Kinkade, "Simpler Times"
Most of the photos on this page were taken at Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the world's
largest salt flat.  In the dry season, the plane is a flat expanse of dry salt - a scene that,
because of its size of 4,000 square miles, is impressive enough.  But, in the rainy
season, the flat stays covered with a thin sheet of water, upon which one can walk or
even drive.  It's then that the flat becomes the world's largest mirror.  People who have
visited say that it's a scene unlike any other in the world and one they will never forget.  
As they venture out on the flat-turned-lake, with the sky both above and below them, they
find themselves, not only walking on water, but, incredibly, walking on the sky.
The Spiral Jetty of the Great Salt Lake in Utah; it was created by sculptor Robert Smithson.
The salt is gathered into stacks weighing a ton each and then left to dry in the sun
before being transported to a refinery, then to supermarkets, then to your table.
Salt lakes can take on a red color, caused by salt-tolerant algae.
The area's home to thousands of flamingos.