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Photo Credits:
Kepguru, Pixabay
I'm an only child.  My child is an only child.  His child is an only child.  You'd think, sitting on the
branch of a sparsely populated family tree such as that, I'd have no experience with siblings.
But, happily, that's not true.  I have a sister.  Not a biological sister, but a chosen sister.

They say great minds run in the same channels.  I don't know about that, but I can tell you this:
minds that have been closely associated for many years often think alike - and often at the
same moment in time.  My best friend, Mary, and I have been as close as any sisters could be
since we were in elementary school.  We've grown used to the "coincidences" that frequently
come our way.  For example, I'll think about calling her and a minute later, my phone will ring.
That kind of thing is old hat for us.  But it's safe to say that, recently, we outdid ourselves.

I keep a computer folder of ideas for my Journal pages.  I'll think of a place or I'll run across
a quote, etc., and I'll add it to the folder for possible use on a future web page.  Two weeks
ago, I found a quote about sisters and the idea came to me to devote a page to that subject,
dedicating it to Mary - my chosen sister.  The quote I placed in my folder was this:
"Side by side or miles apart, we are sisters of the heart."

Though we keep in touch by e-mail every day, I didn't mention this to Mary, deciding to let
the page be a surprise to her.  But the surprise turned out to be mine, because two days
later, I received a package in the mail from Mary.  I have to admit that, as "coincidences"
go, this one was a bit startling.  Inside I found a little framed quote.  It read:
"God made you the sister of my heart."

Yes, indeed.  And for that, I will always be grateful.

-- Nancy
Sisters of the Heart
The photos on this page are from Canada - a country so scenic and so diverse
in its landscape, that it's hard to narrow down the thousands of beautiful
photographs available to only the number that will fit on one page.
Sisters are inescapably connected, shaped by the same trove
of memory and experience.  
-- Roxanne Brown
Sisters share the agony and the exhilaration.  As youngsters, they share
popsicles, chewing gum, hair dryers and homework.  When they grow
up, they share their most joyful triumphs and deepest regrets.
-- Roxanne Brown
A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit and a golden
thread to the meaning of life.  
-- Isadora James
A sister is both our mirror and our opposite, someone who is both
ourselves and very much not ourselves, a special kind of double.
-- Toni Morrison
For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one
on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray.  
-- Christina Rossetti
A sister can see all the way into your heart.