This Amazing Day
I thank You God for this amazing day, for leaping
green spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky, for
everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.
~ e.e. cummings

I received a note recently from a subscriber in Australia and it occurred to me that it had been
a long time since I’d featured that beautiful country on a page. Poet, Dorothea Mackellar, called
Australia “the land of rainbow gold” in her poem, “Core of My Heart.” Judging from these
photos, it’s easy to see why she was so enchanted by her homeland. — Nancy

Each day brings with it the miracle of a new beginning. Many of the moments
ahead will be marvelously disguised as ordinary days, but each of us has a chance
to make something extraordinary out of every day. — Douglas Pagels

A thousand little daily things make their offering of pleasure to
those who know how to be pleased. — Henry Ward Beecher

In life, we usually want to go forward, but which way are we facing?
— John Lennon

Each day, do small things with great love.
— Mother Teresa

Photo Credits: Pixabay, Australian Koala Foundation and these
photographers at Wikimedia Commons: Dborutta, Tony.Buckley

Music: Bless the Beasts and the Children