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A Day in Tuscany
When I made an attempt to showcase the northern regions of Italy on a
recent page, the Italian Riviera was so beautiful, I never left Liguria.  So,
when I set out to feature the central regions - even though one of my favorite
places to visit online is Tuscany - I did a little better at including photos from
Le Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo and Emilia-Romagna, as well.  But I have
to confess that Tuscany is better represented here than any of the others.  
Isabelle Marant once said that she'd rather spend a day in the fields of
Tuscany than a year in the most luxurious mansion anywhere else in the
world.  I understand that completely.  -- Nancy  
There is as much dignity in planting and plowing as in writing a poem.
-- Booker T. Washington
The leaning Tower of Pisa can be seen peeking behind the Cathedral in the city
of Pisa in Tuscany.  The tower has been leaning almost from the beginning of
construction in the 12th century.  By the 20th century, collapse was
imminent, but a  decade of corrective reconstruction and stabilization
efforts between 1990-2001 saved it.
During World War II, the Allies discovered that German troops were using the
tower as an observation post and an artillery strike was considered.  But a U.S.
Army sergeant was so impressed by the beauty of the cathedral and its leaning
tower, he refrained from ordering the strike, saving the famous tower.
It's easier to understand and appreciate something if we look at it through
yesterday's windows.  
-- Roberta Spurlock
I meant to do my work today, but a brown bird sang in a sycamore tree,
A butterfly flitted across the field, and all the leaves were calling to me!
-- Richard LeGallienne
To me, a lush carpet of pine needles is more welcome
than the most luxurious Persian rug.  
-- Helen Keller
Framed within the casement of my window I can see
The rich and varied colors of the summer tapestry,
In glowing shades of yellow, red, apricot and blue,
Gardens in the foreground - and beyond, the rolling view.
-- Patience Strong
I will not wish you riches, nor the glow of greatness, but that
Wherever you go, some weary heart will gladden at your smile,
Or a shadowed life will know sunshine for awhile.
And so your path shall be a track of light,
Like angels' footsteps passing through the night.
-- Author Unknown
Sicily–Rome American Cemetery in Nettuno, Lazio, Italy.  There are 7,861 American
World War II soldiers buried here.  The majority were killed in the landings at Anzio
and Nettuno; in the liberation of Sicily; and in the landings at Salerno.  The names
of 3,095 of the missing are engraved in the cemetery's chapel.